I meet many people who are confused by their new horse,. They have chosen the horse, paid a lot of money for the horse, given the horse a beautiful home. But, things are not going to plan. The horse is not responding it is as if they have switched the off button from when you viewed them.

Instead of giving you both time to bond and form a relationship, people listen to those around them. The comments of get on and ride it, when is your first competition greets your ears. For some you know it isn’t right everything is telling you from the horse to your gut instinct that time is needed. But it takes guts to say to people “oh I am giving us time”

Time is needed when a new horse comes to you. For some they have spent many years if not all their lives with their herd and one person. The change is huge and brings about what I describe as grief. Grief for all that they had known. There is also insecurity not knowing whether perhaps you are just a “stop” gap before they are moved on again. They can become angry because they see you as the person who “took” them from all that they knew.

The grief runs deep, the sadness is felt in the heart and the body becomes rigid. This can then lead to stress problems and gut issues. All the time you will be feeling that everything is spiralling out of control. After all you wanted a horse to ride and compete and what you have is a horse who will not make eye contact and goes to the back of their stable. The throat chakra is blocked with emotions and words unsaid causing tension throughout the head.

Healing a horse with deep rooted grief takes time. The energy within the body is disturbed and the emotions are held within. For some along with talking they also need to release their anger, to bite, barge, to show me how they are feeling deep inside. For some they will step into my heart and want to be held for me to explain what has happened and answer the questions of “why”. Only then can we start the healing process the balancing of energy bringing relaxation to a stressed body.

When the horse is ready and this can take a few sessions I ask the horse if they are ready to join with their new person. I tell them we will do it together and I ask the horse to take a step towards the new guardian. We then take a breath and when the horse is ready I ask the person to stroke the shoulder and when accepted to keep the hand still. We then wait for the horse to feel the connection , to allow the flow of energy between them both. When the sign is given we can then start to really bring them together. For their future to start slowly with no expectations but building a relationship built on love and trust.

Time is a healer xxxx



