Message from the horse

Message from the horse: give me time. I come to you with so many mixed emotions. We don’t know each other, yet there are demands straight away. Give me time to catch my breath, to see to feel, to ground. I do not know you, you may own me but I do not know you.

The past is never how they say it was. There are many words left unsaid. What happened then, well I was not happy. Fear I have found can bring out the worst in people. No one listening, no one seeing, no one taking time to find me and help me find me. Part of me was lost long ago, the real me, the me that maybe, if you give me time I will find and you will see.

What you see now is not the real me. Who am i? What can I be? How do i feel underneath all these barriers? You see if you give me time the barriers can come down. You see I want to find me, will you give me time?


Stand by me

